Self-Reflective Conversations

10. Conversation with Sonja Bloemers, Franziska Meistner, Tejas Kundalia & Aart Houweling on COPING WITH THE PANDEMIC

Sandra Christian Season 1 Episode 10

We sometimes face tragedy, natural disasters, health concerns, relationship issues, work difficulties, or school problems in life. Resilience is how well you adapt to these events and anything that life throws at you.

The Covid-19 Pandemic is an excellent example of challenging times where things happen that are seemingly out of your control. Loved ones get sick or pass away, governments impose rules and regulations that require you to do something that you usually would not do, children need to stay home for online schooling, and an adult working from home becomes a norm. These are all things that may be out of your control. How do you deal with them, adapt quickly, and embrace the changes that life brings?

Listen to this podcast that features 4 amazing people who who share their reflections on how they have coped with the Pandemic.